The Power of Touch

Stay in touch

Humans have an innate need for contact—for physical touch. We have many expressions that convey the importance of touch. We speak of friends and acquaintances “staying in touch.” We describe some people as being “out of touch.”

The most basic element of love is physical touch. Typically, the first action a mother takes toward her newborn is to pick up her infant and hold it close. This is vital to the baby and triggers the crucial bonding process for the newborn.

Studies indicate that physical touch reduces stress. A simple touch—a hand on a shoulder, an arm around a waist—can reduce the heart rate and lower blood pressure.

The Hand of God

Even more important than the touch of human beings in our lives is the touch of God. He does not physically touch us in the same way people do, but His hand of intervention and comfort is available to those who need it.

The concept of touching is so significant to God that He instituted a specific ceremony—called the “laying on of hands”—for certain special occasions.

YOUR hands

The primary purpose of placing hands on a person was to impart a blessing. It is one of the foundational doctrines of Christianity. It’s interesting to see how the Bible directs God’s people to perform this ceremony at key times in human lives.

  • Healing the sick (Mark 5:22-23; Mark 6:5; Mark 7:32-35; Mark 16:17-18; James 5:14-15)
  • Releasing those called to ministry (Acts 6:1-6;13:1-3)
  • Spiritual gifts being imparted (Acts 8:14-20; Acts 9:17; Acts 19:1-6; 1 Tim 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6)

In the instances listed above, the laying on of hands is an act of faith by a believer, which results in the impartation or release of the supernatural powers of God in a situation. It is an activation of God’s divine enablement in the life of a person on whom hands are laid.

Understanding this foundational principle not only positions you to receive a supernatural blessing from God, but also opens the door for you to exercise your faith to be used by God to be a channel of blessings to other people as well.

While observing the admonition in 1Tim 5:22 not to lay hands suddenly on no man, step out in faith to allow God to use your hands to touch a person’s life!


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